May 17, 2013

What happened to ME?

Believe it or not, my period has been late for 2 MONTHS.. I started to be paranoid about it.  I have been very low esteem, emotion being up and down, insomnia and anxiety maybe because of amenorrhea (Missed period).
So I decided to research all the possible reason for why my normally prompt period might be late.

1. A Change in Your Regular Routine: Did you start a new job? Change your wakeup time? Go on vacation? It can take your body a little time to adjust to a change in your regular routine and that can impact your regular cycle, especially if the change started at the time you would normally ovulate, causing a delay or even a skipped cycle.

Likelihood That This Is Impacting My Period: I just changed my wakeup time like days ago only, so I don’t think this affect my period.

2. Stress: Your emotions, particularly stress, can have a major impact on the regularity of your menstrual cycle. And if you’re stressing about why your period is late, that could actually delay its arrival even more. Mother Nature is a cruel mistress!

Likelihood That This Is Impacting My Period: High I think. Looking back over the last few months and weeks, I’ve been stressed a lot — about my newly started SEMESTER 4 and the TSUNAMI of ASSIGNMENT & HOMEWORK (even I don’t really do my HW but I still stress about it because I didn’t do , YES IM SILLY) — and stress about my WEIGHT PROBLEM. Looking at myself expanding horizontally, really stress me!  I might just be seeing the effects of that on my cycle now.

3. Illness: Being sick at the time you normally would ovulate can delay ovulation — and if you ovulate late, you’ll get your period late. So if your period hasn’t arrived on schedule, think back a few weeks — were you under the weather?

Likelihood That This Is Impacting My Period: I have been hospitalize for two times but it was months ago, so doesn’t it counts?? NO IDEA…

4. Pill Poppin’: Taking a new medication or changing the dosage on an existing medication can affect all aspects of your body’s well-being, including your menstrual cycle — that’s why your doctor, including your gynecologist, always wants to know each and every medication that you’re on.

Likelihood That This Is Impacting My Period: Minor. I stopped my diseases medication weeks ago, I don’t remember.. haha!

5. Weight Issues: A major change in your weight — either by gaining a lot or losing a lot of weight — can throw your ovulation cycle off. People who are underweight or extremely overweight sometimes don’t have a period at all — which is not very healthy. Overall, an incredibly wonky or nonexistent period is a sign of possible health issues.

Likelihood That This Is Impacting My Period: Moderate. Well, I’ve gradually gaining weight since after I hospitalized few months ago. During Semester 3, I was only between 48kg till 50kg and then during holidays I was around 50kg to 52kg. Now in Semester 4, weight that I never ACHIEVED BEFORE (REALLY STRESS ABOUT IT). My every semester is 14 weeks only and my weight is increasing vigorous.
I don’t think this considered extremely overweight according to the originally definition of OVERWEIGHT but in my point of view, I think I’m little overweight.

6. Exercising Excessively: Have you been hitting Soul Cycle every day after work? Training for a marathon? If you’ve taken up a new and intense exercise routine, your period might be thrown off. In fact, people who engage in extreme physical activity sometimes see their periods delayed.

Likelihood That This Is Impacting My Period: Minor. Um, I’ve been to yoga, like, four times in a month. I went to Gym 3 days a week and exercise a home since last week only so I don’t think is the reason why my period stopped for 2 months.

7. Miscalculation: The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, but many, many women have shorter or longer cycles and don’t chart them correctly — so it may be that your period is not actually late. Additionally, the majority of women have cycles that are irregular and don’t necessarily realize it. If your period is early even by a few days one month, it may arrive late the following month.

Likelihood That This Is Impacting My Period: NOPE!! Because my period wasn’t late for days but MONTHS..

Well, I think stress play a major effect in my amenorrhea. Will consult a gynecologist to get checked out, if another cycle is passing again..

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